Monday, April 30, 2007

It's Monday........

and day 3 of my challenge to blog everyday for 30 days - I must admit that I can think of lots of things to blog about but are they interesting??? So Mondays are always a funny day for me - they are obviously the start of a new week but also a definite reminder that the weekend is one again over and I find myself counting down the days until the weekend!!! As some of you know we listed our house and it sold in like 6 days - subject to finance which has to be confirmed by the end of this week, it turns out as they are Australians who have bought our house (moving from Brissie to Invers????) the banks are a little more pedantic about the finer details but it's done pretty much a done deal!!! So now the BIG question - where to from here for us? Well we bought a section today in a new subdivision here, not our ideal move in terms of where we ultimately want to be, but a great area, lots of families building there so we are pretty happy in the short tem - just have to decide what sort of us we want to build now - there are SO many companies that offer the complete package - right down to the toilet paper holder, so it's a big decision!!!!
We start shipping our monthly kits tomorrow, so for all those of you who receive these, start stalking the yellow vans from Wednesday!!!!!

Woohoo - day 3 done!!!

Ciao for now

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Day 2 and a sneak Peek

Holy cow I had no idea so many people read my blog, now the pressure is really on with my 30 day challenge!! Two days in a row - 28 days to go!!! Well busy day today, we had some friends visit us who had wonderful news that they were going to be parents for the first time - so excited for them and it couldn't happen to nicer people, Shannelle looks fantastic and you can't even tell she is pregnant - don't envy them those first few weeks though and can say in all honesty I am pleased we are now past all those 4 hour feeds and tiredness!!! For those of you who get our kits, here's a sneak peek of one of the gorgeous projects you will learn how to make

Isn't she gorgeous - her name is the Prima Fairy and Megan Renfree designed her, every time one of the girls sends me a completed project for the kit, I am reminded of how lucky we are to have our talented design team who work alongside us to provide you with lots of inspiration!!
To purchase the kits and learn how to make your very own Prima Fairy go here!!

Talk to you all tomorrow!


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day 1 and a RAK!!!

Okay so here we go - day one of my self imposed 30 day challenge!!!! Will try and post interesting stuff each day so thought I might start off with a RAK!!!

Leave a comment on my blog so I know people still think it is worth visiting and I will draw a random name who will receive some of these yummo scroll corners from Maya Road, their chipboard is just divine and I have to say that they are my favourites when it comes to out of the box products dripping with quality!!!!

Not sure if I have mentioned it before now, but we are selling the house, we don;t really want to but with 3 kids, and a busy business we need more space so we listed it last week - the market is sooooo busy here that hopefully it won't be long and we will be on our way!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

You have been warned.......

Hello, hello anyone there??? I am the worlds worst blogger, so if anyone still checks this blog out, then as the title says you have been warned, long post ahead!!!

Righto so the must do stuff first, I have been tagged by the lovely Lynda and the flower crazy Michelle!!!!

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves, people who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. I LOVE LOVE my family, even when I am covered in milk vomit, raspberry jam from sticky little fingers or felt pen, I am thankful for my three little angels every single day!!
2. My nickname is Cyril - long story and I am not elaborating............

3. I love Japanese food - teppan, sushi, sashimi, maybe I am half Japanese?????

4. I am not really an animal person, which is weird considering I grew up on a farm full of deer,
goat, sheep, hens etc etc.

5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE shoes - last count 35 pairs............

6. I really want to go to the Octoberfest in Germany one year, only regret of my OE is not
doing that, I really think the Oompa Loompa bands that play in the Hofrahaus would benefit
from my chemically inbalanced (hey it's a beerfest) input..... or not!!!

7. I love to talk - and this love intensifys with a few wines.......

So who to tag, well all the blogs I lurk around have pretty much been tagged so will leave it open to anyone who feels up to the challenge, let me know if you do so I can sneaky peek!!!

Right so on with the rambling and a little shameless self promotion!!!! The May kit is up on the Scrapbook Essentials site and it is GORGEOUS!!!!! There are only a few left so if you have been umming and aahing, then quick, go here and hit the BUY NOW button, you will be very pleased you did!!! And this month we have the uber talented Design Team girls Megan Renfree and Janenne Sloan designing 2 gorgeous projects, of which the instructions will be in the kit, I have seen the odd sneak peek and what they have come up with is simply stunning!!!!!

Also we are running a mothers day competition over on the message board so go and check it out - fantastic prize of a voucher to spend instore and with all the yummy new products, will not be hard to spend!!!

So we have had a mad few weeks with the business, children being sick, Aaron working crazy hours and generally life, I always feel guilty about neglecting my blog and so have set myself a challenge - to blog once a day, even if it is a simple hi for 30 days - so wish me luck! The fantastic thing about a blog is that is a permanent way to record stuff, big and little that you can refer to, so tomorrow is day one of the 30 day challenge!!!

Some photos of the kids

Max has just started crawling (fast I might add!!) and I ahd to snap him fascinated by the TV - this fascination lasted about 30 secs and then he was off on a misson again!!

Amelia in action at her school sports day for years 1 & 2 in the All Saints zone, was more like a games day, they apparently don't do the whole athletics thing until year 3!
Right - so more tomorrow then, what will I blog about....... perhaps a RAK????