Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Thanks Tanya Leigh for tagging me - I have to post 5 quirky things about me so here goes....

1. I HATE lights being left on if no-one is in the room - drives me nuts, must be the obessesive compulsive side of me lurking!!

2. I hate feet, they are such a necessity but don't think I have ever ever seen a pair of feet that I thought looked nice - feet just gross me out full stop!!

3. I am addicted to Sprite Zero - if I drank as much water as I do Sprite Zero I would have the complexion of a newborn!!

4. My wardrobe consists mainly of black and white - you can't go wrong with this colour combination!

5. If something is the colour pink then I will always buy it regardless of whether I need it - think ipod, cellphone, shoes, bags, you name - I LOVE PINK!!!

So who to tag - well I am tagging Beverley, Megan Renfree and Hannah - so lets have it girls!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Max and his Mum

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A new do

Well I finally gave in and cut my hair off - it's been a long time coming and with the recent HOT weather, couldn't bear it anymore
so chop chop and bobsville here I come!!! Stil getting used to having my hair short but it's so much easier to do - photo looks a bit posey I know but I was taking a self portrait photo and it's quite hard to do and make sure you are in the center, hence the funny pose as i was trying to make sure I was in the middle in the reflection on the lens LOL!!! Lots happening around here, went to scrap camp in Bannockburn last weekend which was FABOULOUS - man it was HOT HOT HOT, we were all melting but we suffered for the sake of ART!!! Well done Nik and Lara for organising this, AMAZING group of ladies who all get on so well and heaps of laughs too!!!
Our wee man is growing so fast, he is 8months on the 25th of this month, he is on his hands and knees rocking and then bunny hops a couple of times, collapses and cries - sooo cute, well except the crying part!!! Amelia has settled so well into school, I went along and did the mother help thing this morning as they were decorating photo frames with shells they collected on their beach visit last week - let's just 18 frames took a LONG time, Max rolled around the flook which was funny to watch and Millie was so funny - she kept coming up and cuddling me saying that I was her Mummy!!!! Very cute!!! Then there is Miss Paige - she is now apparently leading mat time at her pre-school, she's officially one of the big kids and tells them all that it is tidy up time and claps her hands like the teachers - too funny!! I went and bought the girls some of the new red, white and black girls stuff from Pumpkin Patch, it is gorgeous and they look very sweet, will have to take some pics and upload them.......

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