Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Anniversary......

This time 3 years ago I was being serenaded by 5 extremely out of tune men at my wedding - my husband and his four groomsmen thought it would be a good idea to sing me a song - lovely thought - sounded terrible!!! So three years later there have been a whole lot of changes - we were a family of 3 and now there are five of us! I think when children come into your lives it seems to speed up for some reason...... but I wouldn't change my life for a moment!! Yes I am permanently tired, and never seem to catch up on things that need my attention but I have a very blessed life! I have an amazing husband who is really supportive of me and my dreams, 3 awesome children who are healthy and make me laugh on a daily basis, great friends, good health, the list goes on! I am so lucky that 3 years ago I married my best friend surrounded by people who care about both of us and for that I am very thankful!
The last 3 years have flown and thank goodness for photos and scrapbooking as a way of recording my life and the people in it! Happy anniversary Aaron - love ya!!

Monday, November 06, 2006


I bet you all read the title and thought it would be about exercise....... nope more like the fact that last week , I felt like that's all I did was run from place to place meaning the week was a blur!! Lots of changes to the website to confirm, stock to chase up and children to sort - being a Mum is underpaid if you ask me and under rated! Especially when you think of the skills you develop as a mother including the following

1. Negotiation - especially with a 2 year old far too similiar in personality to
her mother!
2. Budgeting - do the children all need new outfits for Paige's party?? Oh what the
heck, okay!!
3. Chef/ Catering - antipasto platters, salads, desserts and BBQ meats for 25 bday
party guests (who needs sleep!!)
4. Chauffeur/Courier - various trips to collect presents, groceries, guests who are
obviously planning on sampling the liquie refreshments! Then
there are the jazz lessons, hip hop lessons and swimming
lessons for the girls, throw in a kindy play date or two for
5.Cleaner - numerous bags of rubbish from the party, not to mention the preparations
from the party and making sure the house is presentable (it's the
control freak in me)!

Thank goodness for my friend Sharyn, organiser and maker of children's birthday cakes extrodanaire!! She helped me (she did most of it to be honest, I made the marshmallow flowers) make Paige's cake, it was very cute and tasted pretty good as well!

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Paige's bday party was just wonderful, she had a brilliant time and even managed to stay awake until 10pm for the fireworks without being too grumpy! Here's some pics of her - isn't she cute!! The trike was her present from us.....

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The party was a combined one for me (2nd Nov) and Paige (5 Nov) so little did I know that my hubby had asked Sharyn to also make me a cake, it was quite spectacular and I was really surprised!!

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I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the presents, phone calls, emails, texts, morning teas (thanks Julie and Rachel) that I received, I was very spoilt and here's some of the goodies I received...

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Aaron gave me a new Donna Karan watch as he is sick of me asking him the time every 5 mins!! So in hindsight, turning 30 wasn't that bad, although I think I am done with birthdays, might just stay 30 now!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Birthdays ending with a 0.....

That's what tomorrow is for me - a birthday with a 0! I must admit that over the years birthdays were always something to look forward to, another year older, another year wiser (still made some naff decisions!!), a girls night out to celebrate and a huge hangover the next day from too much wine! But now I am about to leave one decade and enter another, I can't believe how much life has changed and for the better! Looking back over the last 10 years is a bit startling - I got engaged to what I thought was the love of my life (turns out that person was still another 2 years away and I am now married to him), have had 3 gorgeous healthy children who are the lights of my life, Millie, Paige and our wee man Max!!! Have lived in Europe and travelled to some wonderful places, have made some wonderful friends who are TRUE friends, they love me warts and all (I mean that literally, have never had a wart in my life LOL!), now I'm off the topic..... A fab family including a sister who drives me nuts at times (I know you are reading this Amber!!) and a Mum who has over the years been my biggest fan and have a wonderful marriage to the biggest rock of a man you will ever meet - a lot my single friends and a couple of married ones to all want an 'Aaron'!! I have a few regrets but probably the one thing that I wish I could take into the next decade would be my dad - he passed 13 years ago and I wish he could be here to celebrate this next chapter with me - he was a hard taskmaster and I have inherited alot of his traits some good, some which have softened with time (thank goodness I hear Mum say)!!! I would like
to think that the next 10 years are as eventful as the last 10 -so I'm setting some goals for me

1. Get my albums up to date and journal more
2. Compete in a duathalon (I hate swimming)!!
3. Visit Ireland and kiss the blarney stone (many would argue I need no
encouragement when it comes to talking)
4. Play competitive netball again
5. Learn tai chi
6. Have more patience
7. Watch my children grow into the amazing adults I know they will be!

What a serious post - still birthdays always make me reflective!!