Saturday, January 27, 2007

Monthly Kit.....

We have had the amazing and extremely talented Evana Willis working with this months kit, above is one of the 2 amazing projects you will be able to create with it, there are only a limited number left so head on over to the shoppe to purchase - the value is amazing and there are some just gorgeous products included in it!! Well CHA Winter 2007 is due to start on the 28th of this month and from what has been sent to us already from manufacturers with regards to new product releases, our poor wee stock room will be bulging at the seams!! We are opening this Saturday for the first time ever from 9am-1pm due to customer demand so if you are in the Invercargill Area pop your head in and say hi!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Now I've done it....

Okay so everytime I logged into blogger, there it was that wee sign saying upgrade here, I have ignored it until tonite I thought what the heck - a couple of fellow bloggers have told me how much easier it is so I did it - pushed the button and here it is - still have a bit of tweaking to do but funnily enough it is a lot easier - except there are all these anonymous comments on my blog, how do I know who you are??? Well the weather is officially rubbish again, was just starting to think that summer was finally upon us, but what do you know - rain, mind you we do need it!! I have been a bad mum and only taking limited photos of our 3 wee people, still have moments of 'Oh my god, I am a mother of 3' and head count them to be sure........ anway I pulled the camera out and took this one, I know they are my children but I just think they are the cutest - hard to believe Millie was upset 5mins prior to this as she had lost her flipping Cabbage Patch doll!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Anyone still there.......

Okay it has been a looooonnnnnnggggg time since I posted last - Xmas is just such a full on time for us so poor old blog has been neglected a bit!!! Anyhoo Xmas was fab, we had it here at home and both mine and Aaron's family were here to celebrate it with us!! Every year we say right 1 present each (the kids being the exception of course) and every year no-one sticks to the rules, Aaron well and truly spoilt me - terribly lucky to have that man in my life!!! Now I know there a few of you who I need to return phone calls to and emails for that matter - my apologies for not getting back to you straight away but I will get there! A big hello also to our friends Heather and Martin who moved to Blenheim last year (they told us they were sick of the weather) but guess what we have been having the most AMAZING weather - temps in the 20's each day so come back guys - we miss you!!
The site has been crazy mad and then we decided to go and have a sale so if you are after a bargain or two or three then go here!

Thought I might also share some sneak peeks of our February Monthly Kit which is now on the site for purchase - very nice don't you think!!

Well those three little people in our lives are all growing up way too fast - Amelia (as she has now informed us she wants to be called, no more Millie please Mummy) starts back at school in 3 weeks, I guess in some ways she is starting from scratch as she only had 4 days of the term last year and then holidays - Our wee man Max has still not grasped the whole sleeping throught the night thing - we have tried everything believe me, still it's not forever and who needs sleep right?? And then Miss Paige - totally adorable, cheeky and fun loving but just into everything and I mean everything - she upended a whole new bottle of Aaron's Clinique after shave balm over the bathroom floor - I'm hoping he won't notice........
Well a quick post but promise to be back really soon with more adventures....